The canton of Geneva considers a public-private partnership with the Fondation Hélène et Victor Barbour to be a successful model. Since 2008, it has offered more than 48,000 tickets to cultural events to school-age children in the canton.
For the past five years, the foundation has raised CHF 100,000 a year, which enables the city's cultural department, the Département de l'instruction publique, de la culture et du sport (DIP), to purchase tickets to cultural events for the city canton's schoolchildren or to enable them to take part in workshops.
Around 400,000 francs have now been invested in the project, writes the canton. The cultural offerings for young people have thus been increased by around a quarter. In 2012, the foundation increased the amount by an additional 56,000 francs due to the success of the project.
In 2013, the project "Stravinsky s'invite à Geisendorf" will be supported with 25,000 francs, among other things, as part of which pupils will be able to explore Stravinsky's soundscapes through dance under the guidance of the Atelier danse Manon Hotte.