Cantons and municipalities Bern Music Festival 2015 will take place as planned Musikzeitung editorial office | 31.03.14
Cantons and municipalities Development paths of the Grand Théâtre de Genève Musikzeitung editorial office | 27.03.14
Cantons and municipalities Choir project in Thorberg prison canceled Musikzeitung editorial office | 27.03.14
Training and further education New building project of the Lucerne School of Music determined PM/Codex flores | 26.03.14
Cantons and municipalities Implementation of the music curriculum in the canton of Schwyz Musikzeitung editorial office | 25.03.14
Training and further education Camenisch in Bern Head of the BA Classics program PM/Codex flores | 25.03.14
Cantons and municipalities Obwalden and Nidwalden award work grants Musikzeitung editorial office | 24.03.14
Cantons and municipalities Metrailler President of the Valais Culture Platform Musikzeitung editorial office | 21.03.14
Training and further education First Summer School of Musicology Musikzeitung editorial office | 19.03.14