Aarau revises cultural funding guidelines

The city of Aarau has reviewed and adapted its cultural funding practices. The new cultural funding guidelines have been adopted.

Aarau (Image: Lutz Fischer-Lamprecht)

Over the past year and a half, the Cultural Promotion Commission and the Cultural Office have worked together with Aarau's cultural practitioners to scrutinize existing cultural promotion practices. The focus was on clarifying the questions of what is already working well and where the principles need to be adapted.

Digital projects are now explicitly included in the funding. Experimental, daring projects are also welcome and will be able to obtain advice on feasibility from the cultural office in future. Communication is to be improved: cultural professionals should be able to obtain information more quickly and easily, for example about assistance with the implementation of cultural projects or about alternative funding bodies.

Funding is open to all age groups and will be generally strengthened in terms of communication: in addition to the guidelines in easy/simple language, there will now also be FAQs that answer important questions about funding. As before, only projects that are accessible to the people of Aarau and have a connection to Aarau in terms of content and/or personnel will be supported.

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