Canton Schwyz has a new music school law

The cantonal government of Schwyz will bring the cantonal music school law and the associated music school ordinance into force on January 1, 2025.

Town hall in Schwyz. Photo: Tobyc75

According to the canton, the Music School Act will safeguard and promote the range of music schools in the canton of Schwyz and create more efficient structures and uniform conditions. The associated ordinance describes the minimum musical offer that music schools must guarantee. In addition to offering a basic musical education, the minimum offer includes a minimum teaching time of 30 minutes for individual lessons, ensemble lessons, one public performance per year and certain instrumental and vocal subjects. These are the most common instruments, which can also be offered in cooperation with other music schools.

The law also regulates the accreditation procedure and the accreditation body, the most important key points for the employment of music school teachers and the salary categories. Finally, the ordinance makes statements on the promotion of talent and the creation of the cantonal concept for the promotion of talent. Anyone who is classified as talented must attend a recognized support programme in order to receive funding. The canton must present a talent promotion concept so that federal funding can be triggered. It is planned to draw this up in close cooperation with the Association of Music Schools in the Canton of Schwyz (VMSZ), which already has experience in promoting talent.

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