International Menuhin Music Academy in need

According to a report in the French-speaking Swiss newspaper "Le Temps", the International Menuhin Music Academy in Rolle is struggling with a massive deficit following the departure of its sole patron.

Graduates of the IMMA in the Rosey Concert Hall Rolle (Image: Youtube-Still)

According to "Le Temps", the shortfall is around two million francs, with a budget that fluctuates between 1.8 and 2 million francs depending on the year. The reason for this is the withdrawal of the only patron, the philanthropist Aline Foriel-Destezet. Artistic Director Renaud Capuçons has left the Academy and Charles Méla, President of the Board of Trustees, has also resigned. Three other members of the Board of Trustees and the Administrative Director have also left the foundation. The Academy's website is no longer accessible.

The International Menuhin Music Academy (IMMA) was founded in 1977 by Yehudi Menuhin and Alberto Lysy. The first director of studies was Oleg Kaskiv. Since 2015, the IMMA has been based at the Institut Le Rosey in Rolle, with Renaud Capuçon taking over as artistic director in 2019.

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