Large wage differences among cultural professionals

Half of cultural professionals work part-time, 14 percent have multiple jobs and a good quarter are self-employed, significantly more than in the economy as a whole.

(Image: wb)

In Switzerland, cultural professionals earned a median of CHF 69,600 in 2023, compared to CHF 45,700 for part-time workers. There is a big difference between the genders: a female cultural professional working full-time earned 78,000 francs, while her male colleague earned 98,000 francs. These are some of the new results of the Federal Statistical Office's (FSO) statistics on the cultural industries, with detailed data on wages for the first time.

The gender pay gap is pronounced among cultural professionals. In 2023, men earned 85,000 francs in the cultural sector, women 56,700 francs. However, this difference is comparable to the economy as a whole (men: CHF 84,500, women: CHF 58,400). These figures depend heavily on the level of employment: as in the economy as a whole, women in the cultural sector work part-time significantly more often (65% of them) than men (36%).

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