Commission against popular initiative "for more music diversity"

The Education and Culture Commission (BKK) of the Grand Council of the City of Basel recommends rejecting the cantonal popular initiative "for more musical diversity". The majority of the committee also rejects a further increase in the culture budget.

Basel City Hall (Image: Pixaby/Hans)

The majority of the BKK thus follows the position of the Government Council. The development of a counter-proposal, which would have included an improvement in social security for cultural workers, failed because the demands of the initiative were not specific enough for an alternative proposal.

The Government Council is of the opinion that the implementation of the "tipping initiative" and the renewal of the cultural partnership with the canton of Basel-Landschaft as of 2022 have already introduced measures that significantly improve the conditions for independent music-making in the canton. It wants to wait and see their effect before deciding on further measures and recommends rejecting the initiative without a counter-proposal.

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