Trio Archai successful in London

The Archai Trio, consisting of students from the Basel University of Music, has won the 72nd Royal Over-Seas League Music Competition (ROSL) in London.

Trio Archai (Image: zVg/FHNW)

The trio studies with Claudio Martínez Mehner. Winning the competition includes their debut at Wigmore Hall on June 19, 2024 as well as further appearances at festivals and concert series in the UK. Ayla Şahin, the violinist of the trio, studies with Rainer Schmidt and Alina Pogostkina, Finn Mannion (cello) with Danjulo Ishizaka and pianist Mar Valor with Zoltán Fejérvári.

Founded in 1910, the Royal Over-Seas League is a non-profit private members' club. Established in 1952, its annual ROSL music competition offers prizes worth more than £75,000. The competition is open to nationals of the UK, current and former Commonwealth countries, the USA, all EU and EEA countries and Switzerland. At least one member of an ensemble must be from the UK or Commonwealth.

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