Obwalden wants to standardize music school regulations

The canton of Obwalden is submitting amendments to its education legislation for consultation, including a standardization of employment conditions at music schools.

Sarnen Town Hall (Image: Wikimedia/Roland Zumbühl)

The canton writes in the explanatory report that music schools are currently only barely regulated in the Education Act. They are managed and financed independently by the local communities. These regulate the employment of music school teachers, the cost sharing of parents or the organizational allocation of the music school itself. During the drafting of the bill, various options for increased coordination were examined with the music school directors and in the project committees.

Due to the different starting positions of the municipalities, the canton intends to retain the current model. The employment conditions for music school teachers are now to be standardized at cantonal level, for which a separate draft (school staff ordinance or extended teaching staff ordinance) will be drawn up.

More info: https://www.ow.ch/aktuellesinformationen/113116

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