Yodeling to become a UNESCO cultural heritage site

Switzerland is applying for the yodel to be added to the Unesco cultural heritage list. The application is to be reviewed by the end of 2025.

Yodeling club Gruss vom Wasserngrat Gstaad (Image: www.bkjv.ch)

Measures were identified and developed during the preparation of the candidature. For example, actions are planned to improve the networking of the yodelling world throughout Switzerland. New training and further education courses are to be developed and young talent promoted. Measures are also planned to raise public awareness, better document the tradition and expand research into this singing practice.

Yodelling is widespread in Switzerland and enjoys unbroken popularity, writes the Federal Department of Home Affairs. The tradition is passed on in very different ways: within families, in yodeling clubs and at schools or simply among singers.

Most of the more than 12,000 yodellers in Switzerland belong to one of the 780 groups of the Swiss Yodelling Association. Yodelling is also performed informally and spontaneously outside of this organization. Yodelling is a very lively tradition that is also inspiring more and more professional musicians to reinterpret the song in their compositions.

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