Zurich promotes cultural participation

The cultural funding agencies of the city and canton of Zurich are joining forces for a funding program for cultural participation.

Opera for all at Zurich Opera House (Image: YouTube screenshot)

The city and canton will provide a total of CHF 5 million between 2024 and 2027 to support cultural institutions in their further development in the area of cultural participation. The Canton of Zurich's Department of Culture has already launched the "Cultural Participation Transformation Grants" funding program in 2023. The City Council has now given the green light for the City of Zurich to participate in this funding program.

This means that the city and canton will be jointly responsible for the program, which runs until 2027. There are also plans to collaborate with the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia in the area of knowledge transfer between cultural institutions.

The city and canton want to use the funding program to support cultural institutions that want to develop further in the area of diversity and equal opportunities. The aim is to review and make targeted changes to offers, structures and decision-making processes. For once, therefore, no artistic projects are being supported, but rather the structural development of the institutions. Cultural institutions that receive a multi-year operating or subsidy contribution from the city or canton are eligible to apply.

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