Suisseculture criticizes the Federal Council

Suisseculture, the umbrella organization of cultural professionals, is dismayed by the Federal Council's decision to cut the 2025 to 2028 cultural budget by a further 14 million.

Federal Council media conference on the presentation of the cultural dispatch (Image: YouTube screenshot)

In view of inflation and the expectations placed in culture, the cuts are incomprehensible, writes the umbrella organization in an official statement on the Federal Council's cultural message. At 0.3 percent, the share of cultural expenditure in the overall federal budget is very low and is "disproportionate to the overall social importance of culture in its entirety".

Suisseculture is calling on parliament to "correct this faux pas by the Federal Council and show the political will to adequately fund the challenges facing Swiss culture in the coming years". The preparation of the current cultural dispatch was exemplary. For the first time, the Federal Office of Culture had listened to all voices from the cultural sector.

The entire Suisseculture statement:

See also: Federal Council adopts the Cultural Dispatch 2025-2028


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