Frankfurt University of Music honors Christoph Eschenbach

The Frankfurt University of Music and Performing Arts (HfMDK) has awarded Christoph Eschenbach an honorary doctorate.

(Image: HfMDK/Marvin Fuchs)

According to the HfMDK's press release, the university is thus honoring "in particular Eschenbach's extraordinary commitment to young artists, to the development of talent and to the most diverse pedagogical and didactic forms of music education". As the highlight of the musical program, students from the HfMDK and Kronberg Academy under the direction of Christoph Eschenbach jointly presented the Chamber Music No. 1 by Paul Hindemith.

Born in Breslau in 1940, Eschenbach won the International Clara Haskil Piano Competition in Lucerne in 1965 and was chief conductor of the Tonhalle Orchestra Zurich from 1982 to 1985.

Christoph Eschenbach is closely associated with the bachelor's and master's degree programs run jointly by Kronberg Academy and the HfMDK. In addition to his work as an artistic advisor and lecturer at Kronberg Academy, he is a regular guest of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra and has been the Paul Hindemith Prize winner of the city of Hanau since 2016.

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