Obwalden and Nidwalden work prize for Britschgi

The musician and composer Roman Britschgi has been awarded a 10,000 Swiss franc work prize by the cantons of Obwalden and Nidwalden.

Roman Britschgi (Image: Youtube video still)

The 43-year-old musician and composer won over the jury with his "Sarnersee" project, according to the press release from the two half-cantons. The starting point was a night-time panoramic photograph of the shoreline, on which only scattered points of light could be seen in the darkness. The structure of this image is transferred to a barrel organ perforated tape and thus defines the tonal basis of the composition based on it. The work will ultimately be performed with the participation of a "wild orchestra" consisting of musicians from the Lake Sarnen region.

Britschgi grew up in Wilen and trained as a blacksmith and wagon maker. He attended the Academy of Fine Arts in Vienna and Krakow and has worked as a freelance artist, conceptual designer, composer and musician. Since this year he is responsible for the musical program of the Obwald Festival.

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