Success for Basel trio

Students of the Basel University of Music, Classical Music, win all three prizes at the Swiss Chamber Music Competition.

Trio Basilea (Image: Orpheus Competition)

First prize went to the Trio Basilea. It was awarded a commissioned composition (financed by Pro Helvetia), a cash prize and concerts at the Swiss Chamber Music Festival,, Zunftkonzerte Zürich, Festival Musikdorf Ernen and the Gesellschaft für Musik und Literatur Kreuzlingen. The trio consists of Laurentiu Stoian, violin (MA P with Adelina Oprean), Marina Correia Martins, cello (MA P with Danjulo Ishizaka) and Zofia Grzelak, piano (alumna, MA P with Martínez Mehner and Ronald Brautigam).

Second prize goes to the Zarathoustra Trio, which receives a commissioned composition, a cash prize and a concert performance at the Swiss Chamber Music Festival and Festival Musikdorf Ernen. Its members are Thomas Briant (violin), Eliott Leridon (cello) and Théotime Gillot (piano, MA P with Claudio Martínez Mehner).

Third prize goes to the Trio Archai, which receives a commissioned composition, a cash prize and a concert at the Swiss Chamber Music Festival 2024. It consists of Ayla Şahin (violin, MA P with Rainer Schmidt and Alina Pogostkina), Finn Mannion (violoncello, BA instrumental with Danjulo Ishizaka) and others

The jury consisted of Heinz Holliger (chair), Benjamin Engeli, Chiara Enderle Samatanga, Sarah Rumer, Daniel Schädeli and Lisa Schatzman.

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