Anton Spronk becomes solo cellist of the hr-Sinfonieorchester

The Dutch-Swiss cellist Anton Spronk has won the audition for the solo cello position of the Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra.

Anton Spronk (Image: Marco Borggreve)

Spronk studied with Thomas Grossenbacher at the Zurich University of the Arts from 2012 to 2017. Since 2017, he has been studying at the Berlin University of the Arts with Jens Peter Maintz. He is a scholarship holder of the International Music Academy in the Principality of Liechtenstein and regularly takes part in intensive weeks and activities at the academy. In 2014, he won first prize with his clarinet trio at the Kiwanis Competition in Zurich. In 2019 he was a participant in the Verbier Festival Academy.

The Frankfurt Radio Symphony Orchestra was founded in 1929 as one of the first radio symphony orchestras in Germany. It has been conducted by Eliahu Inbal, Dmitrij Kitajenko, Hugh Wolff, Paavo Järvi and Andrés Orozco-Estrada, among others. The current chief conductor is Alain Altinoglu.

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