Tuba is instrument of the year 2024

Since 2008, the state music councils of the participating German federal states have chosen an Instrument of the Year every year. In 2024 it will be the tuba's turn.

(Image: Landesmusikrat Rheinland-Pfalz e. V.)


The tuba was invented in 1835 by the chamber musician Wilhelm Wieprecht and the court instrument maker Johann Gottfried Moritz in Berlin for a rich bass register in military bands. It was there that the traveling composer Hector Berlioz heard it a little later and was entranced: The effect made by a large number of bass tubas in a military orchestra was beyond imagination. Richard Wagner encountered the instrument in the Parisian workshop of saxophone inventor Adolphe Sax.

The Instrument of the Year has been chosen by the state music councils since 2008 and is the focus of attention for twelve months. Each federal state appoints its own patrons and has its own approach to achieving the transnational goal: To draw curiosity and attention to the many facets of the tuba.

More info: https://lmr-rlp.de/instrument-des-jahres-2024-ist-die-tuba/

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