Seraina Rohrer takes over Zurich's culture department

Seraina Rohrer, former Director of the Solothurn Film Festival and current Head of Innovation and Society at Pro Helvetia, is to become Head of the Canton of Zurich's Department of Culture.

Seraina Rohrer. (Image: Canton of Zurich/Mathias Zuppiger)

In the 1990s, Seraina Rohrer helped set up an online portal for the Swiss music industry, among other things, according to a press release from the canton of Zurich. She developed a Master's program in film for various universities and universities of applied sciences and was media manager for the Locarno Film Festival for several years. She also began working as a curator, lecturer, trustee and columnist in Switzerland and abroad. From 2011 to 2019, she was director of the Solothurn Film Festival. She is currently Head of Innovation and Society at the Swiss Arts Council Pro Helvetia and develops transdisciplinary funding programs, including a focus on "Art, Science and Technology".

Madeleine Herzog will remain head of the Canton of Zurich's Department of Culture until May 2024. She took over the position in 2014 and has succeeded in "restructuring the funding of cultural promotion and increasing participation in the field of culture", writes the canton. Herzog's time also included "the extensive support of cultural workers during the coronavirus pandemic". Rohrer will take over the office from mid-August 2024.

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