Cultural awards of the City of Zurich 2023

The City of Zurich honors 22 artists and three collectives. The award for special cultural merit goes to the cultural mediator, performer and musician Brandy Butler.

Alina Amuri (Image: Youtube video still)

In the Jazz, Rock, Pop category, Alina Amuri, Sibylla Giger and Belia Winnewisser will be awarded years of work (CHF 48,000 each). In the classical/new music category, the Ensemble Kiosk and Sebastian Hofmann & Martin Lorenz will receive the same amount of work years.

Brandy Butler has developed into one of the most important cultural mediators and activists in the city of Zurich in recent years, according to the city's press release. She is also "part of and the driving force behind various local and national initiatives". For example, she has been "organizing the highly acclaimed Drag Story Time" for years. She also organizes the Black Performance Lab, where queer people of colour (PoC) performers can reorient themselves. The award for special cultural merit is endowed with 20,000 francs.

Mayor Corine Mauch will present the awards totaling CHF 677,000 on Friday, November 24, 2023, at a ceremony for invited guests at Kaufleuten. The work years, work grants and awards are a key instrument of the City of Zurich for promoting the independent performing arts community.

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