Consultation on the Music School Act of the Canton of Schwyz

The Schwyz cantonal government proposes that the canton should recognize music schools on the basis of uniform standards and contribute to their costs.

(Image: Tulane Public Relations)

At the end of October 2022, the Cantonal Council adopted the initiative "Yes to the cantonal anchoring of music education (music school initiative)" and thus instructed the Government Council to submit a music school law in line with the initiative.

According to the press release from the canton of Schwyz, the streamlined draft law now available clearly defines the tasks of the various bodies and institutions. The canton recognizes music schools, contributes to their costs (to the extent of 25 percent of the expenses for the salaries of school management and teaching staff) and makes corresponding specifications. The municipalities are responsible for providing music lessons and access to them. The recognized music schools must guarantee a minimum musical offer and promote musical education.

For example, the law sets out requirements regarding the training, employment and remuneration of music school teachers at recognized music schools. Only in this way is it possible for music schools to offer courses under comparable conditions and thus make it possible for children and young people throughout the canton to learn a special instrument or receive special support under similar conditions, even outside their local community.

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