Suisseculture warns against No Billag 2 initiative

Suisseculture and the Pro Media Diversity Alliance reject the No Billag 2 initiative. The umbrella organization of cultural professionals writes that cutting the media in half would destroy them.

SRG headquarters in Leutschenbach (Image: zVg)

Suisseculture notes the submission of the 200-franc-is-enough initiative "with unease". Although the Swiss voted down the No Billag initiative by 71.6 percent just five years ago, this is already the next attack on media diversity, writes the association.

Swiss radio and television are an important and necessary forum for cultural creation in all sectors. Art and culture are dependent on independent media, "independent of the dominance of market mechanisms". In order to reflect the diversity of Switzerland and its cultural activities, a breadth is needed that only the SRG media can offer with its mission for society and its cohesion.

The whole statement:

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