Roche Young Commissions 2025 awarded

The winners of the Roche Young Commissions, the Lucerne Festival Academy's composition commissions, in 2025 are Guillem Palomar and Jakob Raab.

Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra (Photo: Priska Ketterer)

Guillem Palomar was born in Barcelona in 1997 and currently lives in Berlin. He studied composition with Jörg Widmann, electroacoustics with Gilbert Nouno and conducting with Michael Wendeberg. In 2021 he took part in the Lucerne Composer Seminar. His works have been performed by ensembles such as Ensemble Modern, the West Eastern Divan Orchestra and the Boulez Ensemble and conducted by conductors such as Daniel Barenboim, Michael Volle and Ben Goldscheider. Palomar has also been teaching at the Barenboim-Said Akademie in Berlin and at the Ra'anana Music Center in Israel since 2021.

Jakob Raab, also born in 1997, comes from Saarbrücken. He studied composition with Theo Brandmüller and Arnulf Herrmann and also with Wolfgang Rihm at the Karlsruhe University of Music, as well as completing a bachelor's degree in music theory and piano. He has been studying music theory with Felix Diergarten in Freiburg since 2020 and mathematics at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology since 2019. Works by Jakob Raab have already been premiered as part of the International Ensemble Modern Academy (IEMA).

The Roche Young Commissions were launched in 2013 as a collaboration between Roche, the Lucerne Festival and the Lucerne Festival Academy. They give those selected the opportunity to write works for orchestra. Applications are possible up to the age of 30 via an open call. The works will be premiered by the Lucerne Festival Contemporary Orchestra (LFCO) as part of the Summer Festival 2025.

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