Rachmaninov's villa to be used sustainably

Together with the Serge Rachmaninoff Foundation and Baldegg Monastery, Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts HSLU is developing a concept for sustainable and balanced tourism on the Hertenstein peninsula.

Hertenstein peninsula with Villa Senar (Image: Flickr/jbdodane)

The Villa Senar of the Russian musician Serge Rachmaninoff lends itself to established and new types of events, writes the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts. Concerts, musical Sunday brunches, jazz evenings, residencies or concert walks - as well as virtual tours that convey Rachmaninoff's work - are all part of the concept. The first formats are already being implemented. Sound installations that use nature as a source of inspiration are also possible.

"Sergei Rachmaninoff was also inspired by the idyllic nature of the peninsula for his works," says Andrea Loetscher, Managing and Artistic Director of the Serge Rachmaninoff Foundation. "We want to reflect Rachmaninoff's connection with the peninsula and make this magical place accessible through art and culture."

From summer 2024, the first offers are to be implemented and thus develop the Hertenstein peninsula into a "sustainable recreational area for residents, culture and nature enthusiasts".

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