ARD music competition with 215 up-and-coming artists

345 up-and-coming artists from 41 countries applied for this year's ARD music competition. Of these, 215 were invited to Munich.

Tjasha Gafner (Image: ARD Music Competition)

The competition will be held from August 28 to September 6 for the harp - with the Swiss Tjasha Gafner - and from August 30 to September 8 for the double bass.
From September 1 to 9, piano trios - including the Arabesque Trio (Russia/Germany/Switzerland) - will compete and from September 2 to 10, the viola will be on the program. The prizewinners' concerts will take place on September 13, 14 and 15.

The ARD Music Competition has been held annually since 1952 in several disciplines and comprises a total of 21 categories. It is organized by Bayerischer Rundfunk and is considered the largest competition for classical music in the world.

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