Misappropriated sheet music discovered
In a Menzing house from the early 16th century, sheet music has come to light during the uncovering of a wall.

The sheet music mostly dates from the 18th century. According to the research carried out so far, the find is a specifically Swiss repertoire, although there is also evidence of interest in international music.
Outdated sheet music was often reused for binding or page reinforcement of manuscripts, thus preserving the music notated on it for posterity.
However, the approach taken by craftsmen from Menzingen (canton of Zug) was somewhat more unusual: They "papered" an entire wall with sheet music as a primer for a cladding, which has now reappeared in the course of renovation work. Here, music is literally a link between past and present.
The manuscripts, which have since been detached and processed, will be presented at Scientifica 2023 on the occasion of the What holds the world together will be shown and explained on September 2 at 2 p.m. in Zurich. Musicology students will also perform the music notated on it.