New Aarau cultural promotion instrument "Fast Lane"

In Aarau, creative artists and cultural event organizers can now apply quickly and unbureaucratically for municipal funding of up to 500 francs.

Aarau (Image: Lutz Fischer-Lamprecht)

According to the city's announcement, cultural projects that generally fulfill the applicable Aarau cultural funding guidelines are eligible for funding. Applications are submitted by e-mail. A short project description with the purpose of the grant and account details is sufficient. The conception and implementation of smaller cultural and art projects, site fees or work yard services are approved. Projects already supported by the City of Aarau and those that do not comply with the funding guidelines are excluded. A photo of the event is sufficient proof.

The Cultural Promotion Commission has reserved a funding budget of 5,000 francs for Fast Lane until the end of the year. The maximum funding amount per project is 500 francs. The commitment will be made within a week by the Aarau Cultural Office after consultation with the committee members.

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