Success for Dawidiuk at the Bülow competition

ZHdK student Aurel Dawidiuk won the piano conducting category at the International Hans von Bülow Competition 2023. He also won the audience prize and two special prizes.

Aurel Dawidiuk (Image: zVg)

Dawidiuk played Beethoven's first piano concerto in Meiningen, where the competition was held, and conducted the orchestra at the same time. The special prizes, the Felix Draeseke Prize and the prize in cooperation with the Joachim Raff Society, enable him to give follow-up concerts. Aurel Dawidiuk is studying orchestral conducting with Christoph-Mathias Mueller and Johannes Schlaefli and piano with Till Fellner at the Zurich University of the Arts (ZHdK).

The International Hans von Bülow Competition was held for the fourth time this year. In 2012, 2015 and 2018, it was organized by the International Hans von Bülow Society. Since 2021, the Max Reger Conservatory has been the organizer. Held in up to four rounds in the categories juniors, professionals and conducting from the piano, prize money totaling 50,000 euros, scholarships, CD recordings and follow-up concerts are awarded.

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