"Tinguely Entangled" transforms quantum physics into melodies

In "Tinguely Entangled", Jean Tinguely's kinetic sculptures become the backdrop for a musical interpretation of the creation of quantum computers as part of the Infinity Music Festival in Basel.

Visual designer Luca Scarzella in conversation with PhD student Rafael Eggli in the Cryolab of the Department of Physics. (Image: NCCR SPIN, Marie Le Dantec)

Conceived and coordinated by Lukas Loss, director of the Infinity Music Festival in Basel, the project requires the orchestration of three complementary visions: Science, sound and image. The unconventional pairing of artists and physicists in the multidisciplinary project Tinguely Entangled is ambitious: Latvian composer Linda Leimane is creating a bespoke musical arrangement in close collaboration with some of the world's leading quantum researchers.

Interventions by five scientists from the National Center of Competence in Research SPIN and visual representations by artist Luca Scarzella complement the performance. At the Department of Physics, Jung-Ching Liu, Henry Legg, Arianna Nigro, Rafael Eggli and Valerii Kozin took up the challenge of communicating the complex principles of quantum physics to a lay audience.

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