Canton Schwyz honors Res Marty

The Canton of Schwyz presents cultural mediator Res Marty with the 2023 Canton of Schwyz Recognition Award. Singer Anja Gmür and author Judith Keller receive cultural sponsorship awards.

Res Marty (Image: zVg)

Res Marty has an exceptional voice, which has made him a sought-after performer in numerous concerts, writes the canton of Schwyz. He also devoted himself intensively to the life and work of the composer Joachim Raff, who was born in Lachen. From his father, he took over the presidency of the Joachim Raff Societywhich he has been running, with a brief interruption, for a good four decades. A few years ago, Marty wrote a Biography of the composerwhich is now considered a standard work. He is the initiator of the Raff archive with adjoining museum in Lachen.

Anja Gmür alias Kings Elliot grew up in Wilen bei Wollerau and Altendorf, attended school here and completed a commercial apprenticeship after graduating from high school. She moved to London in 2015 and uploaded her songs online. This led to contact with a music manager and a record deal with Universal Music in 2021. Since 2020, she has been touring the world as a singer with international stars of the music scene.

The 2023 Cultural Awards will be presented at a ceremony in fall 2023. Res Marty will receive CHF 10,000 as the prize money. The cultural sponsorship prize for Anja Gmür and Judith Keller is endowed with 5000 francs each.

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