Vaud supports four music projects

Yilian Cañizares, the choir Voix en Fête, Louis Schild and Louis Matute are being supported by the canton of Vaud for 2023/24 as part of the "Création musicale" program.

Yilian Canizares was awarded a Swiss Music Prize in 2021. Photo: Ben Depp

Yilian Cañizares comes from Havana. The violinist, singer and composer has lived in Switzerland for over 20 years. In 2021, she was awarded a Swiss Music Prize for a work that combines Afro-Cuban rhythms with jazz and classical music.

The Voix en Fête choir, formed for the 2019 Winegrowers' Festival and recently renamed, will, like Cañizares, receive CHF 20,000 for the development of an original musical creation in collaboration with singer-songwriters Céline Grandjean, Jérôme Berney and Valentin Villard.

Lausanne-based Louis Schild is a composer, instrumentalist and improviser. He received a Leenaards Cultural Scholarship in 2020. He is active in the field of contemporary creation and experimental music in particular. For the dissemination and further development of his musical work Le Recueil des Miracles he receives an amount of 20,000 francs.

Louis Matute is a guitarist and composer based in Lausanne. Trained at the HEMU - Haute école de musique Vaud Valais Fribourg, he is the initiator of numerous jazz projects that are widely recognized in Switzerland and beyond. He will receive CHF 15,000 to further develop his repertoire and the composition and concert activities of the Louis Matute Large Ensemble.

The canton of Vaud is offering several grants of between CHF 10,000 and CHF 20,000 per year, depending on the nature and scope of the project. They are primarily intended to support professional artists or ensembles from the canton of Vaud who are planning a new creative project, are writing a major musical work, wish to promote their productions at a national or even international level or want to carry out several major projects simultaneously.

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