City and canton of Bern unify orchestra funding

The City and Canton of Berne are jointly offering grants for professional music ensembles based in the City of Berne. For the first time, a commitment credit is not tied to a specific institution, but is awarded to music ensembles in a competitive process.

Photo: Lucas Alexandre/

The city of Bern has a rich and varied professional orchestra scene. However, according to the press release issued by the City of Bern, Bernese ensembles currently receive very different levels of support. There are ensembles with a four-year performance contract, ensembles with flat-rate program funding and ensembles that have to submit a new application for each project. This unequal treatment has grown historically and is only partly to do with the quality and charisma of the individual ensembles.

Together with the Canton of Bern, the City of Bern has therefore developed a new funding scheme for all ensembles without a performance contract. With this new funding instrument, the City and Canton of Bern are responding to a need expressed by Bernese ensembles and to a corresponding political mandate.

Under the new funding model, all ensembles that meet certain professional criteria can apply for funding. An expert jury, jointly appointed by the Canton and City of Bern, evaluates the applications according to transparent criteria and makes funding recommendations. The City and Canton of Berne conclude four-year contracts with the ensembles. This gives the ensembles the desired planning security.

Selected ensembles will receive funding for a four-year period of activity (2024 to 2027) and can therefore work with the necessary planning security. Applications can be submitted until March 27.

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