End of the compensation initiative

The initiative association has reached the halfway point in its collection of signatures for the popular initiative "For regulated compensation in the event of an epidemic (compensation initiative)".

Photo: pryzmat/depositphotos.com

According to the Suisseculture press release, the association's members previously rejected an increase in membership fees, which would have been necessary for a successful collection of signatures. The initiative was unable to mobilize enough within the sectors directly affected.

In December, the board of the initiative association "For regulated compensation in the event of an epidemic" decided to convene an extraordinary general meeting to decide on an increase in membership fees. According to the Board of Directors and the office, the increase was unavoidable in order to collect the necessary 100,000 valid signatures for the compensation initiative on time. On January 10, the association members rejected higher membership fees by 14 votes to 12. They then voted by the necessary 2/3 majority to discontinue the collection of signatures and dissolve the association in the current year due to the uncovered financial requirements.

The initiative would have called for regulated compensation in the event of an epidemic for those who would be significantly affected economically by an official measure during the next epidemic. Affected companies, self-employed persons, freelancers and employees should "not suffer severe economic hardship through no fault of their own as a result of official measures during an epidemic or pandemic".

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