100 days for music

A cantonal popular initiative "100 days for music" is calling for a law in Ticino to ensure equal access to music lessons at music schools and to increase the cantonal contribution to the costs of music education to 50 percent.

Cover of issue 4/2020 with a focus on Ticino. Image: neidhart-grafik.ch


Article 67a of the Federal Constitution, which was voted on by the people on September 23, 2012, stipulates that the Confederation and cantons should promote music education, particularly for children and young people. In Ticino, this constitutional article is still a dead letter ten years after its adoption by the people, writes the initiative committee. While in most cantons families bear 32% of the costs of music education, in Ticino this share is up to 75%.

This situation discriminates against the less affluent sections of the population and favors neither musical education nor the promotion of talent. It is time to bring Ticino into line with the rest of Switzerland.

The initiative committee is led by the Ticino Cantonal Association of Music Schools FeSMuT. The Ticino Wind Music Association FeBaTi and the Conservatory of Italian Switzerland are also on board. People entitled to vote in the canton of Ticino can sign the initiative until May 2, 2023.

More info: https://www.100giorniperlamusica.ch

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