Prize for contemporary music journalism

SRF cultural journalist Theresa Beyer has been awarded the Reinhard Schulz Prize for Contemporary Music Journalism 2016. The critics' prize is awarded during the Darmstadt Summer Course.

Theresa Beyer

Theresa Beyer was born in Leipzig in 1986, now lives in Bern and has been working as a music and culture journalist for Swiss radio SRF 2 Kultur since 2014. The trained musicologist also works for the Bern-based Network for Local and Global Sounds and Media Culture, Norient, and is a freelance music author and curator.

The jury - consisting of Lydia Jeschke (SWR / D), Christine Lemke-Matwey (DIE ZEIT / D), Elisabeth Schwind (Südkurier / D), Stefan Fricke (Hessischer Rundfunk / D) and Peter Hagmann (Neue Zürcher Zeitung / CH / jury chair) - was particularly impressed by the contributions Theresa Beyer created for the program "Musik unserer Zeit" on SRF 2 at its meeting on June 8, 2016.

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