Cantons and municipalities "Marignano March" becomes the Valais anthem Musikzeitung editorial office | 28.04.16
Cantons and municipalities Basel delays adaptation of cultural model Musikzeitung editorial office | 27.04.16
Cantons and municipalities Canton of Bern promotes creative freedom Musikzeitung editorial office | 18.04.16
Cantons and municipalities Appenzell cultural landscape communities continue Musikzeitung editorial office | 15.04.16
Cantons and municipalities Recognition and sponsorship awards from the city of Chur Musikzeitung editorial office | 14.04.16
Cantons and municipalities Canton Thurgau supports Häberlin and Wiesli Musikzeitung editorial office | 08.04.16
Cantons and municipalities Significant grant for Les Passions de lʼÂme Musikzeitung editorial office | 07.04.16
Cantons and municipalities Lucerne plans house for performing arts Musikzeitung editorial office | 05.04.16
Politics Suisseculture defends itself against state paternalism Musikzeitung editorial office | 30.03.16
Cantons and municipalities Toggenburg association Windbläss honored Musikzeitung editorial office | 24.03.16
Cantons and municipalities Stadttheater Biel must be renovated Musikzeitung editorial office | 18.03.16
Cantons and municipalities St. Gallen wants to review Klanghaus decision Musikzeitung editorial office | 16.03.16