Cantons and municipalities Richard Irniger honored with the Zurich Stadttaler Musikzeitung editorial office | 01.02.19
Cantons and municipalities TapTab music club receives more money Musikzeitung editorial office | 15.01.19
Cantons and municipalities New York scholarship in Brooklyn in future Musikzeitung editorial office | 28.12.18
Cantons and municipalities Support for the Chuchchepati Orchestra Musikzeitung editorial office | 27.12.18
Cantons and municipalities Bernese cultural expenditure to be increased Musikzeitung editorial office | 21.12.18
Cantons and municipalities Morgenegg heads Aarau's culture department Musikzeitung editorial office | 20.12.18
Cantons and municipalities Consultation on the Basel Cultural Treaty Musikzeitung editorial office | 18.12.18