Cantons and municipalities Four Basel orchestras need more money Musikzeitung editorial office | 25.03.19
Cantons and municipalities End of the Bernburg Culture Prize Musikzeitung editorial office | 19.03.19
Cantons and municipalities Lehnert succeeds Karlen in Zurich Musikzeitung editorial office | 08.03.19
Cantons and municipalities Brooklyn residency for Pamela Méndez Musikzeitung editorial office | 06.03.19
Cantons and municipalities Bern gas boiler remains at its current location Musikzeitung editorial office | 04.03.19
Cantons and municipalities Service contracts with the cultural institutions in Biel/Bienne Musikzeitung editorial office | 27.02.19
International Job swap at the opera and sustainability institute Musikzeitung editorial office | 25.02.19
Cantons and municipalities Lottery funds for culture continue Musikzeitung editorial office | 22.02.19