Training and further education Long premiere with 1500 pupils Musikzeitung editorial office | 14.03.18
Training and further education Forming opinions with the help of songs Musikzeitung editorial office | 07.03.18
Training and further education Death of the musicologist Max Haas Musikzeitung editorial office | 06.03.18
Training and further education Music as a major subject in Solothurn Musikzeitung editorial office | 22.02.18
Training and further education Award for the "miam-ensemble" miam-ensemble/Foundation Accentus | 05.02.18
Training and further education Jazz and classical pianists use brains differently Musikzeitung editorial office | 16.01.18
Training and further education Höppner on the advisory board of the Fondation Hindemith Musikzeitung editorial office | 10.01.18
Training and further education Death of Schubert specialist Walther Dürr Musikzeitung editorial office | 09.01.18
Training and further education Announcement of the Handschin Prize Musikzeitung editorial office | 03.01.18