
Dulcimer and zithers in Switzerland. Historical recordings (MGB 6258)

Upper Valais spillite (MGB 9704/9602/9202)

Heinz Holliger, Alb-Chehr. Geischter- und Älplermusig fer d Oberwalliser Spillit
(ECM New Series 1540)

The new Appenzell Original String Music Project (MGB CD 6174)

Noldi Alder with Klangcombi. Homage to the string band Alder on its 125th anniversary (MGB-NV 12)

Töbi Tobler, Tell music (MGS-NV 6)

Küng siblings (MGS-NV 18)

Paul Huber, Concerto for hammered dulcimer and string orchestra (MH CD 1032)

Renato Grisoni, Suite lirica per salterio e organo (LP ZYT 274)

Karl-Heinz Schickhaus, Concerto per salterio (works by Leopold Mozart, Paolo Salunini, Niccolò Jommelli), Naxos CD 2205


Brigitte Bachmann-Geiser: Folk music and folk music instruments in the art music of Switzerland with special consideration of the dulcimer. In: Folk music in the Alps. Intercultural horizons and crossoversedited by Thomas Nussbaumer, Verlag Mueller-Speiser, Anif 2006, pp. 207-223

Antoine-Elisée Cherbuliez: Quelques observations sur le "psalterion" (tympanon) populaire suisse "hammered dulcimer". In: Journal of the International Folk Music Council. Vol. 12, 1960, pp. 23-27

Margret Engeler: The relationship between folk music, folk musicians and folk music preservation using the example of Appenzell string musicSchläpfer publishing house, Herisau/Trogen 1984

Brigitte Geiser: The hammered dulcimer in Switzerland, Visp 1973 (Publications of the Stockalper Archive in Brig 25)

Paul M. Gifford: The hammered dulcimer, Scarecow Press, Lanham Md., 2001

Christoph Pfändler: The Swiss dulcimer today and tomorrow. In: Bulletin. Publication organ of the GVS/SMPS and the CH-EM, 2013, pp. 33-38 (abridged version of the Bachelor thesis by C. P., Lucerne School of Music)

Amadé Salzmann: The hammered dulcimer in Valais. Instrument making and playing instructions, Visp 1988

Karl-Heinz Schickhaus: The hammered dulcimer. History and stories, St. Oswald tympanum, 2001

Yvonne Schmid: A sensational find in the local history museum. In: Davos Review 88, 2013, p.8 13

Matthias Weidmann: Dulcimer school. Course for the Appenzell dulcimerCenter for Appenzell Folk Music, Gonten 2009; 2/2010
