PGM: "Oratorio" on cultural policy
The last meeting of the Parliamentary Group on Music in the current legislature looked ahead and summarized the topics of the past four years. The special guest was Sandra Künzi with an "oratorio".

Music is still a "political nonvaleur", said the President of the Parliamentary Group for Music (PGM), National Councillor Stefan Müller-Altermatt. Nevertheless, he is passionately committed to music, which he once again demonstrated at the meeting between parliamentarians and association representatives in Bern on September 11. Séléna Plain introduced the harp as an instrument for various musical styles and divided the event into meaningful sections with her impressive presentations.
The first parliamentarians sign the charter. National Councillors Thomas Ammann and Stefan Müller-Altermatt and Councillor of States Joachim Eder (from left) Photo: zVg
The outlook revolved around the coming legislative period and the upcoming elections, and the hope that the music sector will be well represented in the Federal Parliament. Stefan Müller-Altermatt and Rosmarie Quadranti, National Councillor and President of the Swiss Music Council (SMR), have opened a number of doors for music in Bern over the past four years. In order for this work to continue, numerous music-loving parliamentary colleagues are needed. This is why the SMR and Sonart, together with other associations, initiated the platform with recommendations for the 2019 elections.
To strengthen the music sector, three initiatives were also bundled into a charter and submitted to the Federal Parliament: National Councillor Thomas Ammann demands an annual Tax allowance for compensation for volunteer work. Rosmarie Quadranti wants the Federal Office of Culture and the State Secretariat for Education, Research and Innovation are jointly responsible for tasks relating to both the cultural and educational sectors. concern. Finally, Stefan Müller-Altermatt calls for reliable Statistical data on the economic performance of the music sector.
Speech by Sandra Künzi
The factual review of the topics dealt with over the past four years culminated in a highlight with Sandra KünziThe "poetry slammer of the first hour" summarized the topic of music and politics in federal Bern in an "oratorio for poor musicians in six pictures". Keywords: youth and music, backstage, money, copyright, cultural message, parliament is an orchestra. Listen to the version for the Swiss Music Newspaper here:
Postscript on October 22, 2019: Unfortunately, Rosmarie Quadranti and Thomas Ammann were not re-elected.