"Un grande arricchimento"
After two years as President of the ASSM, Philippe Krüttli is at the heart of the situation: his work is characterized by a wide range of topics and interesting meetings at cantonal and national level.
Philippe, come hai vissuto gli ultimi due anni?
Prima di tutto: vivo l'incarico di presidente di ASSM come un grande arricchimento e ampliamento di orizzonti. Negli ultimi mesi ho visitato numerose scuole di musica, ho ascoltato concerti e partecipato ad anniversari. Each time I was deeply impressed by the commitment and enormous creativity of the music teachers and school directors. The cantonal associations are also very active and promote the activities, which is something that is happening ever more frequently, even during the delegates' assemblies. It's important to continue to cultivate and develop the partnerships in the field of music education in Switzerland: it's a very precious thing!
Have there been special political moments that have been important for you?
We have enjoyed many good things, for example the federal "Giovani Talenti Musica" program. Since becoming part of the ASSM, I and my colleagues on the Board of Directors have been able to take direct responsibility for its implementation: now, after many years of intensive work, among others by my predecessor Christine Bouvard, it has been put into practice. Also the program "Gioventù+Musica" is in continua evoluzione. We are aware of the promotion at mass level and of talent, but paragraph 2 of article 67a of the Federal Constitution on basic promotion and musical education in elementary schools still remains an important issue. Continueremo a lavorarci, insieme ad altre associazioni.
We have fundamentally noted that there is a lot to be done at the political level. Legislation on music schools is being drafted in various cantons. I am very pleased and believe that there is a desire to give all music schools a stable basis to further improve their equal opportunities. This remains an absolute priority for me.
La tua vita quotidiana è caratterizzata da progetti, ad esempio la pubblicazione del nuovo modello professionale di "insegnante di musica" o il concetto di digitalizzazione.
Esatto. Lavorare al modello professionale, in collaborazione con diverse associazioni, è stato molto stimolante. Il profilo professionale ha riscontrato interesse anche in Germania, Francia e Austria. Credo che questo documento ci permetta di mostrare quanto sia versatile, creativa e stimolante la professione di insegnante di musica. At the same time, there are indications of how the image of pedagogy has changed and how music schools are keeping pace with the evolution of society. The professional profile has become even more important, considering the number of qualified teachers in music schools, which continues to grow - an evolution that we are watching closely. Ne stiamo discutendo con la Conferenza delle scuole universitarie di musica svizzere (CSUMS).
Proseguono i lavori sul concetto di digitalizzazione, che supporterà le scuole di musica nello sviluppo della propria strategia di digitalizzazione. We are not about to get the first digital publication. This is also a very interesting project, characterized by the high pace of technological development, not least in relation to artificial intelligence.
Quali saranno i momenti salienti per te nei prossimi anni?
Attending with particular impatience the 50th anniversary of our association next year. With the Radiobus project, music schools and students from several cantons will have the opportunity to present and show how diverse, colorful and varied music is in Switzerland.
Hai ancora tempo per suonare i tuoi strumenti: la tuba e il serpentone?
Sì. Me ne rallegro molto. Ogni mattina prendo in mano uno dei miei strumenti, che mi dà armonia e rafforza il mio equilibrio interiore. I also conduct orchestras and choirs, among others in the context of my music school. Musical practice and what it conveys are and will always be very important to me.