A flying start for two new music school directors
Anyone wishing to train as a "Music School Director VMS" currently has two options - at Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and at Bern University of the Arts. Two graduates of the two further education courses talk about their experiences.
Study in Bern
"I'm totally happy, it's a real high," says Katalin Müller, "and a little sad at the same time, because I really enjoyed going to Bern." The violinist and violist accepted her Master of Advanced Studies in Music Management in June 2024 - and with it her diploma as "Music School Director VMS". She lives in Erlenbach ZH and, after completing the first module from home via Zoom, traveled to Bern University of the Arts about every two weeks. She was motivated to tackle the course by her growing interest in music school management. "My heart beats for music schools," she says, "And the longer I studied, the more I realized that I was also very interested in topics such as organization and strategy." Katalin Müller applied for a position as Head of School while she was still training and has now been managing the Lachendorf Music and Art School since 2022 with a workload of 55% - plus 35% as a music teacher and a busy concert schedule. "The training has turned my life upside down - in a positive way, of course," she says. "It has opened up many things for me and my professional life has become even more varied."

Study in Lucerne
While this further education course has been offered at Bern University of the Arts since 2005 - developed and led by Felix Bamert - Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts has been offering the "DAS Managing cultural and educational institutions" and two music-specific CAS modules. Violinist Aloisia Dauer also graduated in summer 2024 and received her diploma as "Music School Director VMS" at the graduation ceremony in September. "It was certainly a very intensive phase alongside my 100% employment," she says, who only needed one and a half years to complete the degree instead of the regular two to three years, "but it was just right for me." She also took on a position in a school management team during her training and appreciated the combination of practice and theory, and in particular the business management elements, which she believes musicians in particular often lack. Since 2023, she has been head of the Münchenstein Music School, a municipal music school with around 400 pupils, and is looking forward to implementing the project she developed as part of the training together with the elementary school. What she found particularly valuable during her studies was the exchange between the participants, who are not only active in the music scene but also in other institutions, and the diversity of the lecturers, who come from different departments. "I felt very well supported," she says and, like Katalin Müller, notes that the direct entry into school management proved very successful.

Bern University of the Arts
- MAS Music Management: 4 CAS with final Master's thesis (self-management, leadership, concept and project design, professional practice in music and cultural institutions). The modularized course of study emphasizes the relevance to the professional field, which is implemented with case and context studies, internships and project work. The continuing education program brings graduates together with renowned guest lecturers from science, teaching and practice.
- bilingual (German/French)
- Sustainable network with alumni events MAS Music Management
After completing at least 3 out of 4 CASs, graduates receive the "VMS Music School Director" diploma.
Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts - Music
- DAS Managing cultural and educational institutions: The DAS consists of a choice of flexible entry-level modules with a business management focus (depending on your choice at the Department of Business or Music at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts or at the University of Lüneburg/Goethe Institute) as well as compulsory modules (including management, administration, innovation, scope for development). The DAS is a component of various MAS programs at the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts.
- CAS Rethinking Music Learning // CAS Practical Tools for the Management of Music Schools and Cultural Institutions: the two CAS are dedicated to innovation and leadership and communication topics
The VMS awards the VMS Diploma in Music School Management when students have completed the DAS and one of the two CAS.
Further information on the two courses and the "Music School Director VMS" diploma can be found at on the website.