From Brusio to Landquart - Music schools in Graubünden
Graubünden is the largest canton in Switzerland in terms of area, and at the same time the least densely populated. Around 7000 children and 700 adults attend music lessons at the 18 music schools in three language regions.

The canton of Graubünden consists mainly of mountain landscapes and valleys - in addition to the two main valleys of Surselva and Engadin, which run parallel to the Alps, there are 150 smaller ones. This explains the sometimes large distances between the 120 municipalities and the low population density, as well as the historically high degree of autonomy of the municipalities compared to other Swiss cantons. The challenge for music schools is therefore obvious. Pupils often have to travel quite far for lessons, as it is not worth the effort for teachers to travel to the individual villages. "The distances are long in the smallest municipalities"confirms Mengia Demarmels, delegate for the canton in the Swiss Association of Music Schools and head of the Upper Engadine Music School before her retirement. She is also involved in the Association of Singing and Music Schools of the Grisons (VSMG)which has been campaigning for music education in the canton since 1971. Politically, the conditions in the canton are generally good - the Culture Promotion Act came into force in 2018, which also sets out the framework conditions for music schools, including cantonal contributions averaging 30% of eligible costs.
Promoting talent: an important milestone
The concept for the "Young Talents in Music" talent development program is with the canton and is well on its way. "This will take us a big step forward," says Mengia Demarmels.
A highlight for the most talented pupils is the annual Graubünden Music Competition, which is held in collaboration with the Graubünden Chamber Philharmonic Orchestra and the Swiss Music Pedagogical Association (SMPV). The auditions take place in January each year, at which the soloists are selected to perform with the Kammerphilharmonie at the prizewinners' concert in June.
Youth symphony orchestra for the whole canton
An equally important VSMG project is the Graubünden Youth Symphony Orchestra (JUSI). As the music schools in the canton of Graubünden are generally too small to put together their own school orchestra of symphonic size, the VSMG founded the Graubünden Youth Symphony Orchestra in 2005.
Cantonal exchange
Mengia Demarmels travels to the VMS delegates' meetings in Olten two to three times a year. She really appreciates this exchange - it's interesting to see what's going on politically in the other cantons, even if the structures are often very different.
Mengia Demarmels, VMS delegate for the canton of Graubünden. Picture: ZVG