Program Youth+Music
With the Youth+Music program, the federal government supports, among other things, music schools in the implementation of camps and projects.

The Youth+Music (Y+M) program of the Federal Office promotes access to music for children and young people, similar to the Youth+Sport program. VMS music schools can also benefit from this - music courses and music camps for children and young people between the ages of 4 and 25, as well as the training and further education of leaders, are significantly supported within the framework of Y+M. The respective contributions are based on the number of participants. Here is an example calculation: For a camp with 35 participants with six overnight stays and an Y+M program - i.e. at least 5 music lessons a day, except on the day of arrival and departure - the support contribution amounts to CHF 4950.
For each Y+M camp and course, one person from the leadership team must be trained as an Y+M leader. The training consists of three modules and lasts 6-7 days. Up to 70% of the training costs are covered by Jugend+Musik.