Scambio a livello cantonale e nazionale
Il 2 giugno 2023 i delegati cantonali si sono riuniti a Olten per l'Assemblea dei delegati.
Il presidente Philippe Krüttli commentato l'attuale situazione del Nuovo Messaggio sulla cultura 2025-2028. Tra le altre cose, il Comitato direttivo ASSM desidera sottolineare l'importanza dell'accesso all'educazione musicale di bambini in età prcolare e di studenti professionali nonché del programma Giovani Talenti Musica. A questo proposito è in contatto con l'Ufficio federale della cultura.
As far as Giovani Talenti Musica are concerned, Switzerland as a whole is already making great strides. In July, three quarters of the cantons presented a letter of intent to the UFC, and among these, four quarters of the cantons have already presented their own definitive concept. The first approval at Swiss level was recently granted to the canton of Nidvaldo.
Eva Crastan, responsabile del dipartimento Public Affairs, has sollevato il tema delle conferenze regionali. There are currently two regional conferences that take place every year at the Swiss level - in French-speaking Switzerland and Central Switzerland. Nella Svizzera centrale, la conferenza regionale nell'anno scolastico '19/'20 è stata caratterizzata dall'incontro di scambio tra la Scuola universitaria professionale di Lucerna - dipartimento Musica e le scuole di musica, fungendo quindi sia da vetrina e collegamento con l'università e la ricerca, sia come scambio a livello cantonale. The Conference Romande has a more informal character and takes place every year in December in a music school. Around half of all directors and all directors of the region take part in these events. The ASSM Board of Directors is committed to being available to support, at an administrative and organizational level, the cantons wishing to establish and organize this type of regional conference, if necessary also in collaboration with university schools.
Christian Braun spoke about the situation of the work on digitalization - the aim, as discussed at the last Assembly of Delegates, is to provide all music schools with a basis for developing their own digital transformation strategy. While Thomas Saxer has taken action on the projects of the two schools Quarte and Precollege, the structures will soon be integrated between them, without them having to be externalized as originally planned.
Various delegates have spoken about the different political developments in the various cantons. In the canton of Argovia, for example, in the spring of 2023, an initiative was approved by various parties to improve equal opportunities in the teaching of music. In Ticino, an initiative presenting a similar proposal was submitted by around 11,000 companies - in the testo of the initiative, among other things, an increase in public contributions was approved with the aim of reducing imports, which are currently extremely high at the expense of parents.
Infine, Regula Gehrig, direttrice della Scuola di musica di Reinach AG, among gli applausi, ha ricevuto il certificato del marchio di gestione della qualità quarte Open Label appena conseguito per la scuola.
Photo: Anicia Kohler