The music school as a networker
Gabriel Stampfli completed the MAS Music Management degree program at the HKB in 2022 and thus also received the diploma as head of school VMS. In his Master's thesis entitled "We teach and live music and find the right tone together", he documents the development process of the Kilchberg-Rüschlikon (ZH) music school, which he has headed since the 2019/2020 school year.
After years of intensive touring and employment at music schools in various cantons, Stampfli decided to pursue further personal development. He became increasingly interested in organizing a music school and decided to acquire the necessary skills at the Bern University of the Arts. "Since graduating, I've basically been doing the same thing on a day-to-day basis as before - only my work is focused on a two-and-a-half kilometer radius instead of on projects in Berlin, Sao Paulo or Zurich," he says with a smile. During the interview, we discuss three points of his Master's thesis.
Music school networks communities ...
More and more music schools are joining forces and are active in several municipalities. "We can literally link communities together harmoniously," writes Stampfli - be it through public concerts by students or teachers or other joint cross-community events. This results in a cultural mission in addition to the educational mission - people from both communities come together at concerts and get to know each other in an informal setting.
... and generations
The same applies to encounters between generations, which are promoted through regular, broadly programmed concerts in retirement homes. Here too, Stampfli sees the music school as having a cultural responsibility. By having students play not only classical or traditional music, but also contemporary pop music, both the musicians and the audience broaden their horizons. "Music can be perceived as a gift - in the widest possible range of styles, eras and instruments," he says.
Networking with elementary school teachers
Stampfli describes the collaboration between music teachers and elementary school teachers as part of the joint music lessons (in accordance with Curriculum 21) as being characterized by a great deal of respect - sometimes even too much. Music teachers have great respect for classroom management, and teachers in turn have great respect for their music teaching skills. A training course is therefore planned to get to know each other, including a block of impromptu music-making to break down further inhibitions.
Well positioned for the 50th birthday
The development process at Kilchberg-Rüschlikon Music School will continue over the next few years. An important step so far has been the new affiliation agreement and the newly negotiated salary agreement for the music teachers. This means that the music school - which coincidentally shares its birthday with Headmaster Stampfli - can prepare for its 50th anniversary in 2027 on a solid basis.Picture: ZVG
Becoming a music school director - MAS Music Management at Bern University of the Arts
The Bern University of the Arts has been offering part-time MAS - Master of Advanced Studies Diploma courses since 2005. The modular MAS Music Management continuing education program is divided into four Certificate of Advanced Studies (CAS) and a concluding Master's thesis. It brings together topics and aspects of self-management (personal competence in an artistic context), leadership (leadership in music schools and music and cultural institutions), concept and project design (conception, realization and communication of musical and interdisciplinary projects) and, with the CAS Professional Practice in Music and Cultural Institutions, also includes a module with direct professional relevance.
The MAS Music Management and the Bern University of the Arts cooperate with the Swiss Association of Music Schools (VMS). For studying at least three of the four CAS - including the CAS Leadership - the VMS awards the VMS Diploma in Music School Management.
In August 2023, the two-year cycle of the MAS Music Management will enter the next round with the CAS Self-Management. Register now at CAS Self-Management | HKB (!
Further information on studying can be found here.