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Forum SKJF, or why singing makes you happy.

On March 2, 2024, around 50 interested children's and youth choir conductors from all over Switzerland met at the SKJF Forum, which took place at the Yehudi Menuhin Forum in Bern. SKJF Vice President Michael Schläpfer acted as moderator, providing information and ensuring that everything ran smoothly. The well-known Bernese choirmaster Patrick Secchiari inspired the audience with his experience, creativity, expertise and immense enthusiasm for singing.

Patrick Secchiari's trademarks are his good-humored presence, social alertness, musical sovereignty, partnership-based communication with simultaneous authority, goal-oriented creativity and his great musicality. It is simply incredible fun to sing with him, even if - or perhaps especially if - you are a choirmaster yourself. His apt sayings from his extensive experience with choir groups of various compositions and from young to old have entertainment value on the one hand and open up new paths in choir conducting on the other. His 360-degree moderation, for example, encourages people to think about their own role as a choir director. Between the SKJF workshops, association president Vreni Winzeler encouraged the participants to contribute their suggestions and tips to the development of the "Off SKJF" format with a group speed dating session. Based on the so-called "SKJF Singplausch" for children between the ages of 7 and 12, the choir leaders thought about how this model could be adapted for the age group between 12 and 19. And last but not least, the participants had several opportunities throughout the day to exchange ideas and network in a relaxed atmosphere. 

The next forum will take place on Saturday, March 1, 2025, again in Bern. Save the Date. 

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