International EPTA Conference 2024 in Lucerne

EPTA Switzerland turns 40! This is cause for celebration.

In its anniversary year, EPTA Switzerland is delighted to be hosting the 46th International EPTA Conference from February 29 - March 3, 2024 in partnership with the Lucerne School of Music. At Europe's largest annual conference on the piano, over 50 speakers from all over the world will present lectures, lecture recitals and workshops on the topic of "Changes - Visions & Evolutions in Piano Music".

For decades, the International EPTA Conference has provided a unique artistic and piano pedagogical forum for pianists. Piano playing, interpretation and piano pedagogy come alive - the latest research is shared and discussed. 

Registrations for listeners are open until 15.2.2024 (Early Bird discount until 31.12.23). More information can be found at EPTA Switzerland is looking forward to meeting all speakers and guests.

Review 2023

In October, EPTA Switzerland held its fall conference in collaboration with the Bern University of the Arts. The two-day congress was dedicated to the topic of "Piano in Motion". The focus was on workshops and lectures on the subject of "Magic Piano" - a central research topic at the HKB. Radio SRF 2 Kultur was a live guest at an EPTA conference for the first time. The program "Diskothek vor Publikum: Welte Mignon - eine pianistische Zeitreise" was recorded in the concert hall under the direction of music editor Eva Oertle with sound engineer Andreas Werner and pianist Tomas Dratva. 

Numerous questions of interpretation regarding text fidelity, improvisation, agogic, articulation and dynamics in a historical context were discussed. The recordings of the piano rolls offered astonishing insights. The program can be listened to at any time at

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