Zurich Music Teachers Forum 2024
In 2024, the Zurich Music Teachers' Forum once again offered the opportunity to discuss working conditions at public and private music schools in the canton of Zurich with employee representatives from the SMPV and VPOD.
The annual forum is organized by the SMPV Zurich Sections and Winterthur/Zurich Oberland and the MuV.vpod.
It offers interested music teachers from the Canton of Zurich the opportunity to exchange information about working conditions at Zurich music schools and to obtain important first-hand information.
And with board members from two SMPV sections and a VPOD representative in attendance, the annual forum is an excellent opportunity to make suggestions for improving the situation of music teachers in the Canton of Zurich and to discuss with the associations how these improvements could be achieved.
Among other things, it was discussed that music teachers often do not know whether they are employed at a private or public music school. It was once again emphasized that music schools that are part of a (public) elementary school are generally more advantageous for teachers. In particular, additional offers such as class music-making (the city of Zurich finances class music-making for 120 classes), music camps, choir, etc. are not necessarily supported by an association, but there is a budget for this in the public music schools.
Those present found it disturbing that music is often neglected as a subject in elementary school. This may be due to the fact that only a third of PH students choose music as a subject and therefore two thirds of primary school teachers do not have a teaching qualification for music. Since only three subject teachers should actually be assigned to a class and other subjects than music are considered more important, there is no music teacher for some classes.
The problem was also raised that the EDK only recognizes the diplomas issued by the ZHdK for primary music schools for kindergarten and 1st and 2nd grade. However, MAG students are trained to teach up to Year 6. Many leave their jobs disappointed after a few years.
Those present found it grotesque that music teachers seek the support of a trade union when faced with labor law problems, but are not prepared to join a professional association. They are particularly poorly informed about the SMPV, and there is a misconception that it is only an association for freelancers. It is important to keep informing people that the SMPV is a professional association for all music teachers!
Further information at fzhm.ch