Rhythm Day on June 22, 2024 in Bern

True to its motto "from the association for the association", the SMPV Bern has invited six association colleagues to give a workshop on June 22, 2024 on Rhythm Day at the NMS in Bern and share their experiences from their everyday music education work with the course participants.

Elida Tirtopan gives in Rhythmic basics for instrumental lessons" Tips on how to playfully teach the necessary rhythmic basics in beginner lessons in the often limited time available. In "Playing with colorful rhythms" lets us Susanne Maria Schwarz experience how the game with colored cards, words and course possibilities takes away the fear of rhythmic problems. In "Sound before sign!" leads us Regula Schwarzenbach into the concept of rhythmic learning through listening and movement and lets us speak polyphonic chants as an example, while Josef Rédai shows how, thanks to the "Marton rhythm concept" can easily grasp even complicated rhythms. Oliver Schär strengthens in "Impulse / In the pulse" with various exercises the feeling of the musical pulse, whereby any rhythms can easily be placed on this foundation, and with Barbara Wäldele-Hoppmann we go to "Rhythm in the blood" on an enjoyable physical journey of discovery from normal walking to dance combinations.

Registrations with the electronic Registration form
Registration deadline is Monday, May 27, 2024

The course fee is CHF 100 for SMPV members and CHF 130 for external participants.

The SMPV Bern is looking forward to a collegial exchange with you!


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